While launching One Plus X in global market, the company have confirmed that the model will be available in two different variants – One Plus X and One Plus X Ceramic. And today, we have spotted the model in European market. Company have confirmed the availability of the same however, Indian launch is still not confirmed.
One Plus X Ceramic is made from Zerconia ceramic and it is said that it takes about 25 days to make one such device. One Plus X production is capped at just 10,000 units world wide and we expect higher trade-in prices for this phone, once the sell from the company gets over.
To purchase, One Plus X Ceramic you need to have invite however, you do not require to carry any special invite – any normal One Plus invite will do.
In case, if you do not have any invite with you, you can head over Instagram and follow One Plus handle. Who knows you can be one of those lucky 10,000 consumers world wide?
Tell us what do you think about this phone from One Plus?